Our Services

Enzyme Treatment

At Hellenic Laser Spa, our enzyme treatment works to improve the function and health of your skin, as well as its appearance. Our enzyme treatment is a multi-step process. To begin, our skincare specialists will double cleanse the clients face, enzyme steam, perform extractions as necessary, apply a natural pumpkin or pineapple extract and enzyme mask, apply finishing products finished with an SPF. ionizing cleanser that vaporizes toxins, contaminants, and dead skin on your skin’s surface. This painless and non-irritating treatment will brighten your complexion by naturally exfoliating and promoting cellular turnover.

Seasonal Treatments & Facials

Hellenic Laser Spa also offers seasonal treatments & facials all year.  Contact us today to help you determine the best skin care treatment for you!

Which Skin Care Treatment or Facial is Right For You?

At Hellenic Laser Spa, we believe in developing personal relationships with our clients. This process allows our Certified Laser Professionals, Injection Specialists, and Licensed Estheticians to assist you in determining which treatment or product will most effectively help you achieve your skin care goals.

At Hellenic Laser Spa, we believe in providing affordable options for excellent skincare solutions.

Please contact us to schedule a consultation. We’ll be more than happy to answer all of your questions.

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