Body hair can be a bit of an annoyance, especially if you’re self-conscious about it or if it gets in the way of your lifestyle. If you want to get rid of it, and keep it gone, laser hair reduction could be the perfect solution! But what exactly is it? How does it work? Read on to find out more about laser hair reduction and how it can help you get rid of unwanted body hair.
Unwanted body hair can be a pain to deal with, especially on your face. And if you’re like some out there and suffer from a condition that makes it more difficult to remove body hair, then the pain is even worse. To make matters worse, sometimes products we buy for hair removal don’t seem to work – but now there’s a solution! It’s laser hair reduction.
What is Laser Hair Reduction?
In order to reach the melanin (pigment color) in the hair root, skilled spa laser specialists use a laser with a non-invasive light that enters your skin. The light specifically penetrates the hair, impairing its capacity to grow. The legs, arms, underarms, face, bikini line, and back are just a few sites where lasers can effectively remove unwanted hair.
Is it Safe?
Laser hair reduction is a safe, painless procedure. It can be performed on any part of the body that has unwanted hair. However, as with any other medical procedure, there are potential side effects that may occur. Some of the more common side effects include redness of the skin for up to 72 hours after treatment, tenderness at the area treated for up to 72 hours after treatment, and mild itching or burning sensation in the area treated.
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
Our light waves only influence the hairs that are actively developing – thus a series of several treatments spread out over time will be necessary to achieve the best results. The number of treatments needed can vary depending on each person’s hair color and skin type. If you have dark brown or black hair, you may need six to eight treatments before seeing desired results. People with blonde or red hair may require four to six sessions for desired results.