Health Benefits of Daily Exercise

Laser spa services

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It is not a secret that your lifestyle will definitely affect your body, skin and overall health condition. There are many things we do to take care of our skin and looking after our body will definitely affect it. Taking care of our body by working out and exercising daily, or as often as possible is paramount. Professionals always recommend moderate exercise, and there are many reasons for that, usually, 30 minutes of exercise a day is enough to maintain a good healthy condition.

Today, we share with you some benefits of including regular exercise into your lifestyle. Prevention is key when it comes to our health. Make sure to work out, take a walk, practice your favorite sport, run, learn yoga or do whatever you like the most to get these benefits!

healthy lifestyle for good life

Some of the Amazing Benefits of Exercise in our Lives

  1. Exercise controls weight. When you exercise you use up oxygen making your body burn stored fat. This helps maintain a normal healthy weight.
  2. Exercise improves our mental state. Exercise alleviates anxiety and reduces stress. It’s the best thing we can do for our brain in terms of memory, mood, and learning.
  3. Exercise improves our physical state. It helps keep our bodies toned, strengthen our muscles, keep our bones strong,  and improves our skin. It even helps sleep better.
  4. Exercise boosts energy. Exercise improves our cardiovascular system making our lungs and heart work more optimally giving you more energy and a body reset.
  5. Exercise prevents diseases and alleviates health conditions. Working out on a regular basis will ward off big killers like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
  6. Exercise makes you feel happy. Exercise releases endorphins, which create feelings of happiness and euphoria. It’s the number one advice to fight depression, anxiety or feeling blue.
  7. Exercise improves self-confidence. Even very basic exercise, independent of the person’s weight, size, gender or age, exercise can boost self-esteem and improve positive self-image.
  8. Enjoy outdoors, challenge yourself and get your daily dose of sunlight. You can practice sports indoors, but if you can do it outdoors you’ll get your Vitamin D levels boosted by the Sun. Also, you can learn new sports and ride a bike, run, climb a rock, canoe, and try things you never thought of.

Client feedback of the week

“I got a Groupon for Hellenic and when it opened, I couldn’t be happier about my hair removal results (in fact, this is the first time I think I’ve reviewed anything online!). At first, we weren’t getting the hair loss expected, but they tweaked my settings a few times and it started working nicely. I’m all done with my treatments (it’s been half a year), and the hair is still gone. Good people, excellent customer service. Highly recommended!

-Casey O.

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Call us today to schedule a consultation and begin your personalized skin care plan!

Hellenic Laser Spa is located in Lowry Town Center, on 7465 East 1st Ave., Suite C.  All our treatments are performed by laser trained professionals, licensed estheticians, and certified injection specialists. We offer: CO2 Fractional Treatment, Injectables and Fillers, Skin Resurfacing treatments, Laser Hair Reduction, Teeth Whitening, and many more. Check our prices.

Contact us for more information: 303.366.3222 or email us at

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