The holiday season is everyone’s favorite time. The chilly weather brings smells of pumpkin pie and Christmas’ cookies. Families get together, friends invite you over and delicious food is shared. Unfortunately, these times of abundance also mean putting on some extra pounds for some. On average, people gain at least one to two pounds, and these are continuously added through the years. People who are overweight can easily gain 5 pounds in less than a month. The main reason is excesses, as people tend to overeat and overdrink.
Today, we share with you some tips on how to avoid excesses and enjoy the holidays without remorse.
Tips for Staying Healthy over the Holidays
1. Physical Activity: Since people tend to eat more than usual, it’s necessary to exercise daily or at least 4 times a week. If you have less time due to social activities, it’s important to make the most of your time at the gym or when working out. If you’re not home, go walk, jog, or do an online routine.
2. Raw Fruit and Vegetables: Adding these foods to your diet, either on a smoothie or in your meal, will help decrease the effect of excessive alcohol and refined sugars. A high ingest of alcohol, sugars and processed foods will trigger body inflammation and mineral loss. Natural foods like fruits and vegetables help us re-establish the equilibrium.
3. Hydration: Make sure to drink plenty of water to be adequately hydrated and also to help get rid of toxins that accumulate these days. It’s important to keep hydrated whenever you’re drinking alcohol, as well. You will thank yourself the day after, as most of the symptoms of a hangover are due to dehydration.
4. Healthy Carbs: Holiday meals are loaded with unhealthy processed carbs that contain high levels of refined sugar (gravy, desserts, snacks, pastries, etc). Those days when you don’t have any social activities, focus on eating healthy carbs like wholewheat rice or pasta, and avoid eating processed foods.
Food is an important part of the holidays, but it surely isn’t the main focus. The holidays are mainly about sharing with family and friends. Remember to be thankful for what you have and spread the love in harmony and peace.
Read other advice on how to boost your energy levels and how to eat your way to a healthy skin.