Category: Health and Beauty Tips

Yag Laser Treatment

Big skin dont’s: change habits today!

We’re constantly looking for ways to improve our looks, our hair, skin, and body. One thing we don’t pay much attention to (or don’t want


Health Trends: Mindfulness

Among the many health trends that come and go, Mindfulness is one that I believe has had a big impact and has come to stay.

Hellenic Spa Armpit hair removal

Tips to Getting Summer Ready Arms

Summer may begin in a month or so, but warmer days are already here, and it is time to start getting yourself ready for it!

spa beauty

Winter advice for your skin

Winter weather takes its toll on our skin and hair. The dry cold air affects our skin making it dry. If it’s not properly taken

Great rejuvenated skin Denver

Health Care Tip: Drinking Green Tea

Taking care of yourself includes incorporating habits that will improve the state of your health and bring you benefits, immediately and in the long-run, as

Yag Laser Treatment

Skin Health Tips: Vitamin C

Who doesn’t want a brighter skin?  Vitamin C is considered one of the top “weapons“ when it comes to skin care. This vitamin, found in

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